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Anger Management Institute

Domestic Violence Resources:

Are you in need of help?

Contact these Domestic Violence Hotline & Resources:
National Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-7233 (safe)
International Domestic Violence directory
Sarah’s Inn (Oak Park, Illinois) 1-708-386-4225 (24 hour hotline)
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence resources: Illinois state Crisis line: 1-800-252-6561

We offer domestic violence resources with a Christian perspective for churches and individuals needing education and help. Order one of our manuals, audio CDs, or the 10 week women’s series and leader’s guide. You may be a leader or counselor who is interested in certification as a Christian Domestic Violence Educator! Read the descriptions below:

1. Audio CD: Overcoming the Darkness of Domestic Violence: A Christian Response – AACC presentation by Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, Domestic Violence Advocate, Anger Management Specialist
This one hour audio CD of the workshop presented at the American Association of Christian Counselors Summit on Grief, Crisis, Abuse, Trauma and Terror at the in Philadelphia provides an overview of domestic violence, assessment of victims, resources, legal issues and how the church can respond. Purchase audio on flash drive + hand-outs for $30.00:

Listen to the free podcast:  Is it Anger or Abuse?

2. SAFE Relationships Manual:
This manual with over 100 pages of infromation on the subject of domestic violence will give pastors, Christian counselors, leaders and helpers an in-depth overview of domestic violence, screening tools, safety and legal information and relevant articles to help the abused woman and help your organization determine how to intervene in domestic abuse situations.

Manual and Course Contents:
Part one: The Problem of Domestic Violence and Abuse
Part two: Safety Planning
Part three: Legal Issues
Part four: Developing Safe Relationships – Preventing Abusive Relationships
Part five: Church Teachings, Issues and Program model
Part six: Other Populations at Risk; Wheels; & Resources

Price: $35.00 plus shipping. To purchase this manual by credit card please press the PayPal Button below. You will be paying CounselCare Connection and will receive a confirmation notice of payment.

3. Become Certified as a Christian Domestic Violence Educator by CounselCare Connection, P.C.
This course includes the Domestic Violence Manual; Overcoming the Darkness of Domestic Violence audio CD presented at the 2004 AACC conference by Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, the Ten week series and leader’s guide for women, power point presentation on CD, and final exam.
Certificate of completion is granted when student successfully completes the application, final exam! This course provides you with all the educational materials you need to teach your congregation and women a Christian perspective on domestic violence. Only $300.00 plus shipping!
*Note: This course does not meet the requirements and training by states for recognition as a Domestic Violence Advocate. Read more about Certification as a Domestic Violence Educator.

Phone in your order at: 630-368-3880

4. SAFE Relationships 10 week women’s series
There’s no excuse for abuse! This series provides information and practical steps to help women who are verbally, physically, economically or sexually abused identify unhealthy or abusive relationships and gain skills in building safe relationships.

The following areas are covered in this series:
1. Understanding Domestic Violence: Power and Control Issues
2. Safety and Self-esteem – Two Priorities
3. Safe Relationships
4. Building Healthy Communication
5. Codependency and Boundaries
6. Understanding Submission and Headship
7. Managing Anger in Relationships
8. Conflict and Collaboration
9. The Power of Forgiveness
10. Moving Forward

Each chapter will present goals which you or students can apply to life and relationships.
• Recognize the prevalence, types and process of abuse. Identify abusive patterns present in your own relationship.
• To assess your level of safety and measure your self-esteem.
• To understand the need for safe, healthy relationships and identify the roles people play in unhealthy relationships. To apply biblical principles to relationships.
• To improve communication skills in order to effectively express feelings, opinions, requests.
• Identify codependent behavior and incorporate boundaries in relationships.
• Identify the biblical teachings of headship and submission in marriage. Apply the principles of love, respect and boundaries to your relationship.
• Identify anger, triggers for anger. Apply strategies for managing anger.
• Assess your style of conflict management and learn healthy skills to manage conflict.
• To learn that forgiveness is possible and a vital part of resolving anger.
• Identify how your life has changed. Apply interventions. To determine steps for moving forward.

Price: $35.00 plus shipping. To purchase this manual from CounselCare Connection by credit card please press the PayPal buy now button below.

5. Include Leader’s Guide with the ten-week Support Group manual for $50.00 plus shipping:

These resources and certificate courses are sponsored by CounselCare Connection, P.C. and authored or presented by Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, a Marriage and Family Counselor, crisis counselor, Domestic Violence Advocate and Anger Management Specialist.

Phone in your order at: 630.368.1880, ext. 1.

Comments on Resources-
Aug., 2005:
“Lynette, first- some kind words of affirmation for you.
We are a practice of six psychologists in Central PA, and we’re doing a workshop for a large constituency of churches in Lancaster, PA on domestic violence (the Church’s Response).
I want to give to you some kudos for the work you’ve done in this area. Your materials are solid, thorough, well organized, and integrate Christian values and the Christian perspective in a meaningful, professional, and forthright manner.
The third thing is to request your permission to reproduce some portions of your text. I would love to include possibly some of your information. We would, of course, include a reference to and give credit to you and/or your practice as the author. Again, thanks for the service you provide.”
In Him, Dr. Tegan Blackbird, Psychological Health Affiliates, Mannheim, PA

“Lynette, the support group manual is wonderful! Thanks so much for putting it together. I wish I had been able to read it a long time ago!” Anonymous Group Participant

“While I did not read everything, what I saw was phenomenal! There is enough information in those books to last a lifetime. I can tell you took a lot of time to compile the information and it shows. Great job on the series and I pray that all is going well.”
B.R., DV educator, Richton Park, IL


Contact the Anger Management Institute at: 630-368-1880
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