Domestic Violence Resources:
Are you in need of help?
- Abuse and Anger
- Abuse: How do I stop abusing my wife?
- Are you in an abusive relationship?
- Churches and domestic violence
- How to deal with an abusive relationship
- I was abused and now I abuse
- What is Battering?
- Woman Abuse Screening Tool
- Make a Safety Plan
Contact these Domestic Violence Hotline & Resources:
National Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-7233 (safe)
International Domestic Violence directory
Sarah’s Inn (Oak Park, Illinois) 1-708-386-4225 (24 hour hotline)
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence resources: Illinois state Crisis line: 1-800-252-6561
We offer domestic violence resources with a Christian perspective for churches and individuals needing education and help. Order one of our manuals, audio CDs, or the 10 week women’s series and leader’s guide. You may be a leader or counselor who is interested in certification as a Christian Domestic Violence Educator! Read the descriptions below:
1. Audio CD: Overcoming the Darkness of Domestic Violence: A Christian Response – AACC presentation by Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, Domestic Violence Advocate, Anger Management Specialist
This one hour audio CD of the workshop presented at the American Association of Christian Counselors Summit on Grief, Crisis, Abuse, Trauma and Terror at the in Philadelphia provides an overview of domestic violence, assessment of victims, resources, legal issues and how the church can respond. Purchase audio on flash drive + hand-outs for $30.00:
5. Include Leader’s Guide with the ten-week Support Group manual for $50.00 plus shipping: