Anger Management Institute Trainer-Specialist Training:
Register for the June 6-7, 2024 Anger Management Specialist Training Webinar! Become credentialed to offer court and employer approved anger management programs and services at this Anger Management Specialist Training Webinar. These presentations emphasize educational programming, treatment planning and evidence-based approaches for helping your clients and students to better manage anger. Workshops are approved by the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) for the Certified Anger Management Specialist-I or II credential! (NAMA membership fee extra — submitted by attendees to NAMA for certification after completion of workshops). Cost includes 2 days of webinar-workshop training, Training manual, book, assessments, 14 NBCC, IAODAPCA, TEXAS Board, NAADAC CEs/CEUs, hand-outs! Register online here!
Or You can become certified as an Anger Management Specialist (CAMS-I or II) with NAMA by taking the Online Trainer-Specialist Certification Course with video (fastest way). Online program provides 12 NBCC CE hours, ACEP #6577; and 12 IAODAPCA and NAMA CEUs. Two hours of Phone/zoom Supervision required after course completion to obtain NAMA credential. Enroll here!
Special! Anger Management Training for Teen Leaders;
Issues and Strategies for Helping Teens Manage Anger Effectively. This Online course covers basic strategies and understanding of anger management plus how to apply the best strategies for managing anger to adolescents. Provides: 15 – NBCC CE hours, ACEP #6577. Order here! Only $200!Contact Lynette Hoy about our organizational training programs!
The purpose of this course is to assist Anger Management Providers/Specialists with: an understanding of the overall concepts of anger and strategies for anger management plus the core issues which hinder anger control in teens; assessment tools for assessing teens and knowing when to refer; initial steps in treatment planning for teens with anger control problems.
Included with online access to course: 16 week Teen workbook, Certificate of completion for fifteen hours of “Anger Management Teen Training for Leaders” and 15 NBCC CEUs upon successful completion of quizzes!
Special! Anger Management Training for Teen Leaders; Issues and Strategies for Helping Teens Manage Anger Effectively. This Online course covers basic strategies and understanding of anger management plus how to apply the best strategies for managing anger to adolescents. Provides: 15 – NBCC CE hours, ACEP #6577. Order here! Only $200!
The purpose of this course is to assist Anger Management Providers/Specialists with: an understanding of the overall concepts of anger and strategies for anger management plus the core issues which hinder anger control in teens; assessment tools for assessing teens and knowing when to refer; initial steps in treatment planning for teens with anger control problems.
Contact Lynette Hoy about our organizational training programs!
March, July, and Nov. 2023, January and March, 2024 webinars.
This Anger Specialist Training webinar is approved by the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) for Anger Management Specialist I or II credential! (NAMA membership/certification application and fee submitted by attendees directly to NAMA after workshops).
Previously offered live workshops:
Nov. 5-6, 2021 webinar. Obtain certification as an Anger Management Specialist-I or II. Approved for 12 NBCC CE hours, NAADAC, and 13 IAODAPCA & NAMA CEUs. Enrollment opens Dec. 2018.
Plano, TX: March, 2019 training for Anger Management Specialist I or II to be offered!
Completed outcome studies demonstrate that the What’s Good About Anger program is ‘evidence-based’.
Can’t attend the workshops? Take a home-study DVD or online training course
Other Workshops and Groups:
AACC International Conference, Nashville, TN 2017:
Presenters: Seigel Bartley, PhD, LPC-S, CAMS-V and Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V
Lecture – Demonstration: Pre-conference Workshop
Title: Seeing Red: Best Practice for Anger Management & Resolution
Summary What are the best methods to assess, treat and educate people who mismanage anger? This presentation provides an overview of the nature and physiology of anger, and incorporates research-based skills, innovative techniques, biblical insights, and the evidence-based curriculum of the Anger Management Institute.
Defusing Anger and Hostility seminar by Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V at Cook County Circuit Court Marriage and Family Services office: 69 W. Washington, Chicago, IL.
Trainer – Specialist Certification Workshops
Obtain certification as an Anger Management Trainer-Specialist in just 2 days or through the new DVD home-study program!
Participants completing program qualify for designation as: Anger Management Specialist-1 by the National Anger Management Association (membership fee extra). Contact Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-IV for information on these trainer workshops.
Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V speaking engagements:
How to Defuse Anger and Hostility with Clients– Circuit Court of Cook County Marrige and Family Services Department; Chicago, IL.
Anger Management Trainer-Specialist Certification Workshops. Faith Christian Center staff, Jacksonville, FL.
Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V presents:”What’s Good About Anger? Motivating People to Change” workshop at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference in Lisle, IL.
Contact Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V for speaking engagements: How to Defuse Hostile Customers– Office of Adjudication in Oak Park, IL.
Or on-site training workshops: El Rincon Community Center, Chicago, IL
When Love Turns Angry: Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V, speaks at the Marriage Matters Workshop, WillowCreek Church, 900 Prince Crossing Road, West Chicago, IL.
Couple’s Conference at Christ Church of Oak Brook. Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC – one of the presenters – speaks on “Letting Forgiveness In”.
Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC receives official thank you from the Navy for presenting Anger Management workshops at the Naval Counseling, Advocacy and Prevention Conference in Ontario, California.
Fight Better: How to Deal with Anger in Your Family by Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC. 6:45-8 p.m. Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton, IL – No charge!
Feb. 15-16: Christian PREP retreat (sponsored by the First Christian Church in Morris, IL) at Embassy Suites, Lombard, IL. Presenters: Dave Hoy, Esq. and Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC. Comments from a participant: “Thanks again for all you and David did. You both went above and beyond our expectations. I’m almost excited to get into a disagreement so I can use our new skills. 🙂
Talk to you again, Shelly”
Norwegian American Hospital, Continuing Medical Education lecture: What’s Good About Anger? Chicago, IL.
Managing Anger for Couples. Presentation for Marriage Matters Ministry at Willowcreek Community Church – DuPage Campus, Aurora, IL.(Ginger Creek)