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Anger Management Institute

Woman Abuse Screening Tool

1. In general, how would you describe your relationship?
__ A lot of tension
__ Some tension
__ No tension

2. Do you and your partner work out arguments with:
__ Great difficulty?
__ Some difficulty?
__ No difficulty?
3. Do arguments ever result in you feeling down or bad about yourself?
__ Often
__ Sometimes
__ Never

4. Do arguments ever result in hitting, kicking or pushing?
__ Often
__ Sometimes
__ Never

5. Do you ever feel frightened by what your partner says or does?
__ Often
__ Sometimes
__ Never

6. Has your partner ever abused you physically?
__ Often
__ Sometimes
__ Never

7. Has your partner ever abused you emotionally?
__ Often
__ Sometimes
__ Never

(London Middlesex, developed by Dr. B. Lent)

To score this instrument, the responses are assigned a number. For the first question, “a lot of tension” gets a score of 1 and the other 2 get a 0. For the second question, “great difficulty” gets a score of 1 and the other 2 get 0. For the remaining questions, “often” gets a score of 1, “sometimes” gets a score of 2, and “never” gets a score of 3. Resource: Brown JB, Lent B, Schmidt G, Sas G. Application of the Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) and WAST-short in the family practice setting. J Fam Pract 2000; 49(10):896-903. Developed by Dr. B. Lent.

What can you do now?
1. Protect Yourself and any children. Get counseling and advocacy by contacting a domestic violence agency near you. If you live in the USA call the National Domestic Violence Agency at : 1-800-799-7233 . If you live outside the USA see the International Domestic Violence Agency listings.
File for an order of protection against your husband in the court. An Order For Protection (OFP) is a court order that will help to protect you from domestic abuse. An Order For Protection tells the abuser to stop harming or threatening you.

~ Lynette J. Hoy, is a marriage and family counselor, speaker, writer and was the Chicagoland Chair of Community and Business Women for Christ. Her newly released book, What’s Good About Anger? can be ordered online.


Contact the Anger Management Institute at: 630-368-1880
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